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Union Organizer Intensive

  • 57 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


This course is designed to provide you everything you need to succeed as a full-time professional union organizer. Within 30-days you can cement your long-term success. Taught by a career union organizer and dedicated labor activist. Become familiar with some of the pitfalls that have sabotaged organizer’s careers so you can avoid these common mistakes. They say people learn by making mistakes, but we can learn from watching other’s mistakes. Would you like to know what successful union organizers have learned over their careers? Do you want to win organizing campaigns? What if you could recruit new members on an epic scale? All of these things are possible, and our award-winning instructor will show you how to do it. The training covers: ✅ Strategies and Tactics ✅ Time Management ✅ Exposing Crooked Employers ✅ Unscheduled Jobsite Visits ✅ Becoming a Solution Solver ✅ Active Listening ✅ Gaining Member Support ✅ Long-Term Work Outlook ✅ Balancing Work and Family ✅ Loyalty ✅ Union Jurisdictions ✅ & More You'll receive resources not available anywhere else on the web. This course provides an overview of what is required for a successful organizing career, some of the pros and cons, and the power of having a written plan to succeed. Student’s will receive a 30-Day Action Plan, 101 Reasons to Join a Union and tips to avoid the 5 most common mistakes. Finally, students will get a chance to connect with union organizers and ask questions of the instructor. Act now! The labor movement needs you. Your dream of a successful union organizing career is too important to ignore.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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